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Oxazepam summary
What does this medicine do and what is it used for? Oxazepam belongs to the benzodiazepines. It has a calming effect, relaxes muscles, reduces feelings of anxiety and affects the transmission of electrical stimuli in the brain. Doctors prescribe it for anxiety and tension, insomnia and alcohol withdrawal. Anxiety and tension Symptoms Oxazepam Everyone is sometimes anxious. Fear is a normal reaction to imminent danger. It leads to caution or fleeing, so it is a useful form of self-protection. Sometimes someone is anxious when there is little reason to do so, for example if you do not dare to go outside or do not dare to go shopping in a busy store. We then speak of an anxiety disorder. Anxiety often causes complaints such as headache, stomach pain, sleeping problems and irritability. Severe anxiety can lead to palpitations, tightness, sweating,
Oxazepam In case of anxiety and tension due to severe events, you can use oxazepam for a few days to weeks. Do the anxiety and tension last longer or is there a psychological cause? Then they are usually treated with psychotherapy or with antidepressants. How Oxazepam works Oxazepam dampens emotions and has a calming effect when you are anxious or tense. This also reduces physical complaints, such as palpitations, abdominal pain, tremors and sweating, which are often accompanied by anxiety and tension. This medication is a temporary relief for these symptoms. However, it does not solve the cause of your tension. It can be useful for very intense emotions and for a short period of time.
Effect Oxazepam You will become calmer within one to two hours after taking it. This effect lasts for six to ten hours. After a few weeks, there is a chance that you have become dependent on the drug. You will notice withdrawal symptoms when you stop swallowing, such as anxiety, headaches, muscle pain, insomnia, restlessness and irritability. Therefore, do not use this medicine for longer than a few weeks.
Insomnia is referred to when someone has been sleeping poorly for some time and therefore does not function properly during the day. Sleeping problems often arise from stress or worry. But physical complaints such as pain or itching can also cause insomnia. Treatment If you come to your doctor with sleep problems, the doctor will usually not prescribe a sleep medicine immediately. The doctor will first try to remedy the cause of the sleep complaints. For example with a painkiller if you suffer from pain. Or with soothing advice if you stay awake mainly due to worrying.
Some of these advices are.
- Exercise during the day or early in the evening.
- Do something relaxing an hour before going to sleep.
- Do not take naps during the day.
- Keep a steady rhythm when you go to bed and get up.
- Do not have coffee in the evening.
- Do not take alcohol to sleep.
- Do not take solid foods two to three hours before going to bed.
- Provide a quiet, cool bedroom and a nice bed.
- Do not use the bedroom as a work, study or TV room.
- If you can't sleep, get up and do something else in another room. Do not go back to bed until you are tired.
If these measures do not help or are not possible for you, the doctor may prescribe this medicine for a few days. Oxazepam operation Oxazepam has a muscle relaxant, calming and drowsy effect. It thus promotes that you fall asleep and sleep better. This medicine is especially suitable if you have difficulty falling asleep and if you expect to wake up often during the night.
What does this medicine do and what is it used for? Oxazepam belongs to the benzodiazepines. It has a calming effect, relaxes muscles, reduces feelings of anxiety and affects the transmission of electrical stimuli in the brain. Doctors prescribe it for anxiety and tension, insomnia and alcohol withdrawal. Anxiety and tension Symptoms Oxazepam Everyone is sometimes anxious. Fear is a normal reaction to imminent danger. It leads to caution or fleeing, so it is a useful form of self-protection. Sometimes someone is anxious when there is little reason to do so, for example if you do not dare to go outside or do not dare to go shopping in a busy store. We then speak of an anxiety disorder. Anxiety often causes complaints such as headache, stomach pain, sleeping problems and irritability. Severe anxiety can lead to palpitations, tightness, sweating,
Oxazepam In case of anxiety and tension due to severe events, you can use oxazepam for a few days to weeks. Do the anxiety and tension last longer or is there a psychological cause? Then they are usually treated with psychotherapy or with antidepressants. How Oxazepam works Oxazepam dampens emotions and has a calming effect when you are anxious or tense. This also reduces physical complaints, such as palpitations, abdominal pain, tremors and sweating, which are often accompanied by anxiety and tension. This medication is a temporary relief for these symptoms. However, it does not solve the cause of your tension. It can be useful for very intense emotions and for a short period of time.
Effect Oxazepam You will become calmer within one to two hours after taking it. This effect lasts for six to ten hours. After a few weeks, there is a chance that you have become dependent on the drug. You will notice withdrawal symptoms when you stop swallowing, such as anxiety, headaches, muscle pain, insomnia, restlessness and irritability. Therefore, do not use this medicine for longer than a few weeks.
Insomnia is referred to when someone has been sleeping poorly for some time and therefore does not function properly during the day. Sleeping problems often arise from stress or worry. But physical complaints such as pain or itching can also cause insomnia. Treatment If you come to your doctor with sleep problems, the doctor will usually not prescribe a sleep medicine immediately. The doctor will first try to remedy the cause of the sleep complaints. For example with a painkiller if you suffer from pain. Or with soothing advice if you stay awake mainly due to worrying.
Some of these advices are.
- Exercise during the day or early in the evening.
- Do something relaxing an hour before going to sleep.
- Do not take naps during the day.
- Keep a steady rhythm when you go to bed and get up.
- Do not have coffee in the evening.
- Do not take alcohol to sleep.
- Do not take solid foods two to three hours before going to bed.
- Provide a quiet, cool bedroom and a nice bed.
- Do not use the bedroom as a work, study or TV room.
- If you can't sleep, get up and do something else in another room. Do not go back to bed until you are tired.
If these measures do not help or are not possible for you, the doctor may prescribe this medicine for a few days. Oxazepam operation Oxazepam has a muscle relaxant, calming and drowsy effect. It thus promotes that you fall asleep and sleep better. This medicine is especially suitable if you have difficulty falling asleep and if you expect to wake up often during the night.